Paid Time Off Policies for Exempts
For those of you with Paid Time Off Policies...What increments do require exempt employees to use PTO hours? ie. Do you require them to use PTO for personal business such as dentist/doctor appointments where they are gone for an hour or two?? Thanks for your feedback.
Would find it intersting if an employer wanted to start "docking" me pay.
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
We are having this same debate right now. They want to require exempt employees to take PTO time in 4 hour increments.
The debate is, they don't want employee's counting hours saying they worked 50 hours last week so they are going home early on Friday and docking them PTO time.
On the flip side, the company is counting hours by docking them for anything over 4 hours.
It's a big mess. We were on the phone for an hour with our lawyer trying to sort it all out and we ended up back where we began.
I'd be interested to hear if any folks have a written PTO/VAC policy for exempt time off. For example, when it's appropriate for them to use benefit time.