I-9 No Document #'s Listed

In reviewing our old I-9 forms, I discovered several forms do not have the document #'s listed as required. There were no copies made of their ID forms at the time of hire so I can't just fill in the blanks. Some of these ee's have been employed for several years. I understand there are penalties for not having the info filled in, therefore I'm thinking my option is to either do new I-9's and back date them or ask the ee for the info that is missing. What are your thoughts?
As for the timeframe for I-9s, HRQ is correct regarding the date. I believe the I-9 regulation went into effect in late 1986 and employees who had been in continuous employee before, and since then, do not have to have an I-9 on file.
In the midst of union organizing, a company determines ALL of its I-9's are missing/stolen. Employees are instructed to re-present approved documents within three weeks and to fill out new I-9's.
About 15% of the workforce fails or refuses to comply notwithstanding written instruction by the company.
I'd also be interested in finding out how all of the I-9's went missing - they should really be under lock and key.
Regarding the local union officials or members who hesitated or refused to provide documentation again; I would send certified notice to the International Rep or whoever the highest area official is, with cc to our attorney advising of the immediacy of the request and the certainty of termination should they not comply.
The I-9 form itself states the effective date of this program some 16 years ago and tells you there's no requirement to have the form on those continually employed since prior to that date.