FMLA Serious Health Condition

We have an employee whose back was injured on the job. He receives intermittent treatment that is covered by Workers' Comp. There is a possibility that he will have back surgery. He works but is on light duty with no lifting or standing for long periods of time. Would this be a serious health condition, an FMLA event?


  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • This would be a serious health condition for physician visits and any other times needed off due to the injury. The FMLA time runs concurrently with any time off for workers comp.

    Gary D. Jiles
    Arkansas Employment Law Letter
    3400 TCBY Tower
    425 West Capitol Avenue
    Little Rock, Arkansas 72201
    (501) 375-1122
    E-mail: [email][/email]

    >We have an employee whose back was injured on the job. He receives
    >intermittent treatment that is covered by Workers' Comp. There is a
    >possibility that he will have back surgery. He works but is on light
    >duty with no lifting or standing for long periods of time. Would this
    >be a serious health condition, an FMLA event?

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