Concealed Weapons

Hi all! Missouri will soon be passing a law in favor of concealed weapons. Does anyone have a policy relating to this subject in regard to the work place?
Need to write a policy prohibiting concealed weapons here, would appreciate anything you have. Thanks in advance.
Need to write a policy prohibiting concealed weapons here, would appreciate anything you have. Thanks in advance.
They may have the right to carrier, but not on our time or property.
my $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
"Employees are strictly prohibited from bringing weapons of any description onto NAFCU premises for any purpose whatsoever. This includes weapons carried on one's person, or contained in a briefcase, handbag, or any other container, or in a vehicle parked on NAFCU premises. “Weapons” are defined as any instrument designed for the purpose or capability of causing injury to persons or property, including: firearms of any type or description, knives (other than small pocket utility knives), explosive devices, hazardous materials, or any other implement or substance intended for the purpose of causing bodily injury. It is a violation of NAFCU's Code of Conduct for any employee to bring a weapon of any description onto NAFCU premises, or to any function sponsored by the Association, for any purpose whatsoever."
Since your state is getting ready to pass a concealment law, you may want to start your statement with something like..... In light of the recent passage of said law, we feel it necessary to inform all employees that while persons have a right to carry concealed weapons, this right does not extend to private property and company* is under no legal obligation to allow weapons of any type on the premises.
Violence in the Workplace
We are committed to providing employees with a safe environment in which to work. It is with this in mind that we have adopted a policy, which strictly prohibits threatened or actual violence by our employees, on our premises, or when performing an act that is job related or while representing the company off of our premises.
Violence in the workplace may be described as verbal or physical threats, intimidation, and/or aggressive physical contact. Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to the following:
· Inflicting or threatening injury or damage to another person’s life, health, well being, family or property;
· Possessing a firearm, explosive or other dangerous weapon on Company premises or using an object as a weapon;
· Abusing or damaging Company or employee property;
· Using obscene or abusive language or gestures in a threatening manner; or;
· Raising voices in a threatening manner.
· Because of the potential for misunderstanding, joking about any of the above conduct is also prohibited.
You are encouraged to be proactive in maintaining a safe working environment by reporting violent or harassing behavior. If you observe or experience these types of behavior, please report them immediately to your Manager/Lead, the Human Resources Manager or by calling emergency 911, when appropriate.
Employees working at a remote location or in a customer’s workplace that experience violent behavior should report it immediately to the appropriate authorities.
Any employee who exhibits violence in the workplace may be disciplined up to and including termination. The Company may also choose to bring formal charges against anyone who endangers its employees.
• Possession of firearms, explosives (including fireworks) or any other items whether concealed or openly carried that may be considered a weapon capable of posing a danger to other persons while working or representing the Company either on or off company property.
Our former Exec Dir approved writing it in, then parked everyday in our lot with a shotgun in the back of his SUV. How does that work?
Our violence prevention policy has always include the phrase: "Workplace violence includes bringing any type of weapon, e.g. knives, guns, any type of explosive or toxic substances, into the workplace."
When the law went into effect we were also required to post a sign at every entrance to our buildings "XYZ company bans firearms on these premises" We are not legally allowed to ban licensed handguns from our parking lots.
It is our goal to maintain a work environment free from intimidation, threats, or violent acts. To that end, the Company has adopted a zero tolerance policy regarding violence and weapons possession in the workplace. This includes, but is not limited to, intimidating, threatening, or hostile behaviors; physical abuse; vandalism; arson; sabotage; use of weapons; carrying weapons of any kind onto Company property notwithstanding possession of a lawful permit; or any other aggressive act, which, in management's opinion, is inappropriate to the workplace.
My son in the marines, laughs and tells me how many ordinary items can become lethal in the hands of the trained or in some cases, the delusional.
We cannot cover it all with a policy, but also cannot ignore it. Hopefully we can strike a balance and not ever have to find out we did not go far enough.
Possessing a firearm, explosive or other dangerous weapon on Company premises or USING AN OBJECT AS A WEAPON;
I found our policy very frustrating when I was the vicitm of a stalker and was told that under no circumstances could I bring pepper spray into the building. I asked if I could leave it with the guards while I was working and they said no. My manager actually told me to buy a little can of hairspray and keep that in my bag to protect myself. Could it work? Sure, I suppose so. Did I feel safe? Heck no!
Of course, if you have a union, you may have to "bargain" with it at least over the discipline that might be imposed for a violation of the ban.
Vance Miller
Editor, Missouri Employment Law Letter
Armstrong Teasdale LLP
(314) 621-5070
When the ruling passed I held meetings with all employees explaining the procedures and had them sign an acknowledgment that the policy was explained, that they were given a copy, and had a chance to ask questions.
I would check with the state to determine exactly what is covered under your state ruling. GOOD LUCK.