Seperation Agreement and Release of Claims

My first the site
I have an employee in Tauton Mass. that we had to lay off and sent him a Seperation Agreement and Release of Claims form in order to get his severance check. He waited to sign so I called to make sure he received the agreement. He said he had already signed it but had some reservations. We talked about his concerns and he said he would overnight the form. I reminded him that his severance check would be mailed 7 days after I receive the agreement, the revocation period. He told me that the agreement said "7 days from the date that was signed" Do I go by the date that was signed, or the date that I received the agreement. I feel he might be able to legally say that after I spoke with him he made a decision too quickly and changed his mind 6 days after the check has already been sent. What do you all think?
My first the site
I have an employee in Tauton Mass. that we had to lay off and sent him a Seperation Agreement and Release of Claims form in order to get his severance check. He waited to sign so I called to make sure he received the agreement. He said he had already signed it but had some reservations. We talked about his concerns and he said he would overnight the form. I reminded him that his severance check would be mailed 7 days after I receive the agreement, the revocation period. He told me that the agreement said "7 days from the date that was signed" Do I go by the date that was signed, or the date that I received the agreement. I feel he might be able to legally say that after I spoke with him he made a decision too quickly and changed his mind 6 days after the check has already been sent. What do you all think?
If his signature was notarized or witnessed, I would use the date of signature.
Of course, your legal counsel is who can really help you with this problem.