Exempt Employees and Time Off

Can anyone give me the "book, chapter, and verse" on allowing a salaried employee time off for hours worked? In other words, a salaried ee typically works 50-60 hours a week. The employer wants to give that ee some time off. What is the regulation covering this?


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It is my understanding that exempt employees must be paid for the full day if they work any part of the day in order to retain their "exempt" status.
  • If the employee is properly classified as salaried/exempt by the appropriate DOL regulation, these regulations thereafter do not address how an employer may compensate a salaried employee for time spent at work in excess of 40 hours per week. That decision rests with the employer who should, in my opinion, adopt some guidelines for granting compensable time off when business conditions and requirements permit. The guidelines are necessary to be certain that compensable time off decisions are made in a non discriminatory manner.
  • It is our internal policy to let ees attend dx visits and or other appointments without docking their pay for salaried ees. We trust that this policy will not be abused, and it has not for the last 4 years.
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