
Sexual Harassment and Retaliation

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-15-03 AT 01:30PM (CST)[/font][p]I work for a local government entity and we have a male supervisor that was thumping his male subordinates in the genitals when they would make a mistake or ask what he considered a stupid question. This was reported directly to us in HR by an observer. We conducted an investigation and found that the complaint was true. We reported it to the director of the department and the supervisor had disciplinary action taken against him. We have had other complaints in the past about the supervisor threatening other employees and being very hard to get along with. Now one of the supervisor’s subordinates is complaining that he is being retaliated against by his supervisor and the director. It does appear that all the subordinates under the supervisor are not as well liked and the supervisor is often heard calling them incompetent and blaming them for job mistakes they did not make.

Could a case be made for wrongful retention and if so should I suggest the director fire the supervisor rather than another form of discipline?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • How is it that you work for Denton, but your homepage is the URL for a newspaper? Perhaps you could restate your question. Did you mean to suggest that the Director 'fire', not 'hire' the supervisor? And where in this day and age did you get a supervisor who is 'thumping' employees in this way???
  • >How is it that you work for Denton, but your homepage is the URL for a
    >newspaper? Perhaps you could restate your question. Did you mean to
    >suggest that the Director 'fire', not 'hire' the supervisor? And
    >where in this day and age did you get a supervisor who is 'thumping'
    >employees in this way???

    This person could also be brought up on assault charges for this type of behavior. I would definitely get rid of this loose cannon.

  • Sorry, new to the forum. I don't know how this one got in but he is becoming quite a problem.
  • I am suprised he hasn't been thumped back to say the least. Not only is his behavior assualtive what would we call it if he thumped a female on her breast?
    Drop kick this clown through the goal post of life.
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