Work. Comp. Records

Does anyone request work comp records prior to hiring? We have NOT done this because of discrimination issues, but... We have had four bad back cases over the past two years that have seriously impacted our work comp rates. All four individuals passed our company post-offer physical exam. All four had had histories of back trouble, which, of course, we did not know until there was an injury. I just wondered if anyone else has had this problem and what can be done to avoid it.

Harriet Voit
Human Resources Manager
Gilcrest/Jewett Lumber Company
Waukee, IA


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I do check workers' comp records post offer...........but you cannot rescind the offer because they have a lousy WC history. I also have them fill out a Condition Job Offer Medical Review which asks about previous injuries, both on and off the job. If they do not put down the injuries, they have falsified documents related to the hiring process I can rescind the offer.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Thanks, Balloonman. Apparently you haven't had any problems with this procedure. If they do list previous injuries and they state that the injuries are no longer any problem, then we just keep 'em, I guess. Hatti
  • Sounds to me your post-offer physical is not doing it's job. Have the doctors seen your facility? Do you have a physical demands analysis? There is a thing called a functionality test that can give an objective determination if someone can do a job (as long as you have the physical demands). Maybe you need to talk to your medical facility. They may also be able to give you some ideas.
  • Thanks for your response. The docs. have all toured our facility, so they have a good idea of what is required of our workers. They also have job descriptions with the physical requirments. We talked about adding a functional capacity evaluation to our exams, but it added to the cost of the exam. In view of the costs of the (re)injuries, I have recommended that we reconsider this. Your reply helps to support this. Thanks again.
  • I do post offer Work Comp checks. Those with multiple work comp claims often omit those employers from their employment history on the app, so I can usually find a legal reason to withdraw the offer. I have hired several people with one or even more work comp claims, and our pre-employment physical rarely uncovers anything. I've found that if I call them in on the first day of employment and tell them I am very concerned for their well-being, that I'm aware of a previous injury and ask if they need additional safety training or equipment, I've never had a problem with any of them. They usually explain the circumstances of their earlier claim and most of them are legit.

    One guy I was really reluctant to hire because of a back claim has turned out to be a stellar employee, wish I could clone him. I guess that's why we aren't supposed to deny employment based on work comp. history!
  • Thanks for your reply! That sounds like a good plan - I may try it. Hatti
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