Labor Law Posters

Labor Law Posters have always been posted in our lunch rooms at every location. I would like to verify that this is the proper location for these posters. We felt this was the best location for employees to be able to see and review them.

Your comments would be appreciated.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I think most emplyers use lunch room bulletin boards as one place to post. The idea of course is to ensure that employees become aware of what those posters say. Generally, they need to be posted in "conspicuous places."

    Wheter or not the lunch room is sufficient for your work enviornment, you have to determine. If you have employer bulletin boards in the work area tht provide important information for employees, you may want to use those as well.
  • Just make sure that you have the appropriate posters where "APPLICANTS" may also see them. Some posters such as the 5-in-1 are required to be posted so employees and applicants may view.
  • A humorous (?) twist to posting in the lunchroom: We had a local employer put their posters on the door in the lunch room, however, as it turned out, they were on the back side of the door, which was against the wall when anyone entered the room. Guess what? An employee with a claim said she was never aware of the posters and it became a big part of the case. Anyway, another good place for posters is near the time clock or employee entrance.
  • There are three key things to keep in mind when posting required posters.

    1. Ensure you have the most current posters require
    2. Place posters in a conspicuous place where ALL employees have access to them.
    3. Ensure that nothing gets posted over the posters or obscures the viewing of the posters.

    It really does not matter where you post them, as long as these criteria are met. Some employers have posted them in the restroom(s). Everyone eventually uses the restrooms and wall space in a lunch room is often limited.
  • I agree with Popeye. They must be posted where applicants can see them. Lunch room postings may be OK for employees but applicants probably do not visit company lunch rooms in most situations. We post ours in HR and on employee bulletin boards to be safe.
  • About a year ago we were audited and were told that our posters (which we had posted in the kitchen) should be moved to the waiting room where the applicants and others could see them as well as our employees.
  • We post in two places, once by the time clocks, once in HR. Covers employees and applicants.
  • Thanks for your help. I have had them placed so that applicants as well as employees can see them.
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