E-Mailing Policies

For our company's policies, we have been passing or mailing them out and requiring a signed receipt (with the usual verbiage) be returned and it was placed in their file. With e-mail available to most of our employees, we want to e-mail policies out. Those of you who already do distribution on the net, what do you have to prove receipt -- still send in a signed hard copy receipt, print the "read by" message and put in file or ................? Would really appreciate suggestions.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I actually have a normal practice of emailing new / revised policies out to my employees. I do ask that an acknowledgement form is signed and returned to me by a specified date. I don't actually keep a read receipt of the email although it is not a bad idea. Usually, I will send a "reminder" email to the individuals that I have not received the signed acknowledgement form back from a day or two before my imposed deadline. Then, if I don't have the acknowledgement form back from the employee(s) by the deadline, I actually contact the employee to inquire. Sometimes this uncovers questions and/or debates about the new/revised policy. However, I work at a facility of only 33 individuals so it is feasible for me to contact the specific employees who have not returned the acknowledgement form back. At larger companies, this may not be feasible.
  • Thanks for the info. I agree with e-mailing out and getting a signed receipt back. E-mailing is quicker and easier which is what I'm after, but feel a little uneasy about no "John Hancock". Thanks
  • I would hesitate to use an electronic acknowledgement for your proof. It would not include the "read, understand and agree to adhere to" language which is critical. Someone could say that they opened the email, but didn't get around to reading it.

  • I can tell you too have been bitten. What I was considering was to include the receipt at the end of the Policy and asking them to print it out, sign it after their review, questions, etc. of the policy and return to Personnel. I too thought exactly what you brought up could happen.
  • Luckily I've never been bitten in that respect. Whenever I do anything, I always think to myself, how can they potentially weasel out of compliance.
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