Authorization to release employment information

I would like to conduct a reference check on new employees with past employers. Considering the privacy act and the hesitation of employers to share data. Does anyone have a sample form that a potential employee can sign giving authorization to past employer to release basic information such as dates of employment, salary, job title, duties, if they would re-hire employee and type of employee.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have an acknowledgement on the bottom of our applications that authorizes us to contact any previous employers listed. This information is in a box right above where the applicant signs and dates the form. Often, I need to copy and fax this authorization before a previous employer will talk to me. I mostly get dates of hire, postion held, and basic duties.

    I would be more than happy to e-mail a copy to you if you want.

  • Often, I need to copy and fax this authorization
    >before a previous employer will talk to me. I mostly get dates of
    >hire, postion held, and basic duties.
    >I would be more than happy to e-mail a copy to you if you want.

    Could you also email a copy to . Thanks!


  • Could you please e-mail me a copy also. Thanks.
    Susan Ruiz Branigan
    Braniz Research
    Slidell, LA
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