Severance Pay
Eva Armas
29 Posts
Can we ask an employee about to be terminated to sign a statement that he won't sue the company (Washington, D.C.) in exchange for a severance pay? Thank you for your advice.
Thank you very much for your advice. I'm learning a lot from your expertise.
Blessings, Eva Armas
If they are not in a protected group, they you have a little leeway, but the court will not recognize any type of "covenant not to sue" if there is a case of discrmination, etc.
If you are in doubt, you should contact legal counsel, especially in the "over 40" age group. They will be able to assist you in drafting a proper agreement.
I work for a non-profit/religious organization. We do not have a lawyer. By the way, the employee is a clergy and a lawyer to boot!
For your information, I am the Editor of the M.Lee Smith Publishers' Washington, D.C. Employment Law Letter. Feel free to contact me if you would like more information. Here is my contact information.
Elliot H. Shaller
Krukowski & Costello, P.C.
1875 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 524
Washignton, D.C. 20009
tel: 202-898-1031
fax: 202-898-1311
e-mail: [email][/email]
web site: [url][/url].