Need quick help in Colorado

We would like to terminate an employee who is presently in the position of Production Manager. As we are new to business in Colorado, we want to know what requirments need to be met when letting an employee go. Do we have to pay severance, etc.? We acquired him through a merger and he was with the previous company for 20 years, if that is a factor.
Our plan is to give him his final paycheck tomorrow, so I appreciate a reply as soon as possible.


  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I don't know the laws in the state of Colorado, but knowing that this was a long term employee, I'd say it would be the right thing to do to provide him severance and possibly out placement services.

    Put yourself in his shoes...20 year employee, company gets sold, position is eliminated...haven't interviewed in years, nor learned another type of work. It will take time for him to find another comparable job.
  • You never stated why you are terminating a 20 year employee. If you are eliminating the position then I would give him a severance. If it is for conduct or performance I would still offer him a severance not as much, with a mutual agreement.
  • What is the age of this employee and what basis is being used for his termination? I'd watch out for age discrimination here. Yes, definitely a generous severance package is in order. Just make sure your ducks are in a row.
  • This employee is in his mid 40's. We actually acquired the company over a year ago and have been working with him ever since to improve his performance. To no avail. He has spent several years doing just enough to get by and is not well liked by his staff or most of our customers. It is really a corporate culture issue, we think he should be working and he thinks he should be chillin out. We do not have a policy to pay severence, however, he will receive his accrued vacation and his check for the employee profit sharing plan we have.
    Appreciate your responses.
  • Maggie, has any counseling or other documentation been kept to use as justification? Are there policies and procedures in place which explain the factors which might lead to termination? Will his position be refilled when he is terminated? I agree with the above that age discrimination may be a factor if you aren't careful on your reason for termination. Just some questions to think about.
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