EE wants EEOC Phone Number

An ee of ours was suspended for 2 days without pay. The ee feels this was in retaliation from their Director because they filed a grevience again them. The ee left me a message asking me for a EEOC number to call. I haven't the slightest on where to get this number. Could someone give me a suggestion on where to look for this number? I am a little worried about this ee, they have a discrimination suit against their former employer (our local police department).

As always, thank you for your assistance in this matter.



  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I went to the EEOC web page (search EEOC) and found the toll free #800-669-4000. There is also a listing of offices. .you can probably find the office for your area. Hope this helps.
  • Isn't the number on the posters that we have up in our workplaces? Also the employee could look it up in the phone book, but maybe he cannot spell EEOC! (Sorry could not resist) My suggestion is since this is public information, meet briefly with the employee ask why, go over the reason for the suspension again, and empathize with them but if the two events are not related and you are following past practice point that out. That others who did the same thing were suspended also etc. Then give them the local area office number. I have found that by doing this with OSHA issues in the past it sends the message that we are not afraid of them calling. Fact is we can't prevent it either so I have found this way can be helpful.
    St. Louis District Office
    Robert A. Young Building
    1222 Spruce Street
    Room 8.100
    St. Louis, MO 63103

    Phone: 314-539-7800

    My $0.02 worth Kari, good luck.
    DJ The Balloonman

  • The numbers he needs are (314)539-7800 for the EEOC and (314)340-7590 for the MCHR as he will need to dually file his complaint with both agencies. Forgive me but I don't even see where this is an EEOC/MCHR issue unless the employee filed the grievance due to unfair treatment based on age, race, gender, religion, etc. As far as I know, there were no amendments lately to title VII to include persons who file a grievance as a protected class.
  • Thank you all for your assistance. I don't see a discrimination issue here either, however, I do feel that the company is setting its self up for a fall in the way that they handled the situation.

    You "guys" are the best! Thanks again!


  • It's important to know that its irrelevant 'how we see the charge' and whether or not we 'believe' it's related to protected groups. The point is anyone has the right to file a charge with the EEOC and we only further inflame them by not providing numbers or by meeting with them to convince them it is not a bonafide charge related to protected status and actionable situations. The last thing you want is for her to advise the investigator, "I tried to get your number and all they did was stall me and mess with me about my grievance not being related to a protected class or some such nonsence as that". Investigators love those types of "tack-on" charges.
  • wise advise as always Don D.! It was nice "seeing" you
  • "Dandy Don": 2282 POSTINGs and you hit the nail on the head again. Are you coming now from a new location or is this your last date for posting on behalf of the company from which you have been given all this time to POST 2,282 TIMES?

    I sure hope we'll pick up with a new set of postings from you in your new company! See you soon! PORK
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