I believe my General Manager just violated the privacy rights of one of our employees, and of course the damage is already done.
Just want some feed back.
We have an employee who has a W/C claim going with her past employer (since 1995). They are now trying to say (as is she) that the working conditions here have exasparted the condition. (you know - the more pockets to dig in the less painful for the primary insurance carrier theory) The employee has never processed a W/C claim with us. However, as soon as I saw the paperwork from the previous employer's W/C attorney, I sent our employee a W/C to complete and return - which she has not yet done.
I just found out this Tuesday, that all her personal medical information regarding this claim (with past employer) was included in the Board Book to all the Board of Directors (5); plus copies to the General Manager, District Clerk, Assistant GM, and Treasurer. She never signed a authorization to release that info - and yet it was copied into a Board Book for people having no need to know to review.
At this point I feel the only people that have a right to review the information is our W/C carrier, since the other carrier is trying to get us to take some responsibility for their client's 'problem.'
Yes, we have an attorney - but I can't believe mgmt got an OK to do this.
I just love it when Mgmt doesn't bother to ask before stepping.
So anybody have any words of wisdom?
Just want some feed back.
We have an employee who has a W/C claim going with her past employer (since 1995). They are now trying to say (as is she) that the working conditions here have exasparted the condition. (you know - the more pockets to dig in the less painful for the primary insurance carrier theory) The employee has never processed a W/C claim with us. However, as soon as I saw the paperwork from the previous employer's W/C attorney, I sent our employee a W/C to complete and return - which she has not yet done.
I just found out this Tuesday, that all her personal medical information regarding this claim (with past employer) was included in the Board Book to all the Board of Directors (5); plus copies to the General Manager, District Clerk, Assistant GM, and Treasurer. She never signed a authorization to release that info - and yet it was copied into a Board Book for people having no need to know to review.
At this point I feel the only people that have a right to review the information is our W/C carrier, since the other carrier is trying to get us to take some responsibility for their client's 'problem.'
Yes, we have an attorney - but I can't believe mgmt got an OK to do this.
I just love it when Mgmt doesn't bother to ask before stepping.
So anybody have any words of wisdom?
My advice? Seek help immediately!
It sounds like you have a real dilly on your hands. Technically the HIPAA compliance does not legally take effect until April 14, 2003, but all companies have had some sort of privacy procedures in place for a long time - or at least they should. How did you happen to come by the W/C information to begin with? Most EE's do not initally provide that information. IF her former W/C carrier or previous employer sent it to your company seeking relief with her excerbation claim, then your company may not be the only one at fault. It is my understanding that any information released to another entity has to have a release from that individual to do so. Forms are usually signed for release when the injury occurs, ER releases are also required as well as other health provider services when the patient is referred. Just a few more things to think about. Good luck.