verbal reprimands

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-20-03 AT 12:25PM (CST)[/font][p]Thank you for all your comments. I will pass this on
to those that require further clarification.


  • 8 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I'm not sure I totally understand your question. I assume the off-color part about other EEs referred to race, but the facilities - our building is grey, white and some blue. Do we need other colors?
  • You're in Mississippi, an at-will state, and so am I. You are free to discharge an employee for any reason, even a bad one, so long as it is not on account of race, age, sex, religion, handicap status or national origin. I assume that by making remarks about the facility you're talking about employees 'bad mouthing' their place of employment causing the employer humiliation or embarassment in the community. That could be a termination issue in your state as well. Having said that, it may not be the best practice to discharge people simply because of an 'off color' remark, although I'm not sure what you mean by that. Progressive discipline, say in 3 or 4 steps, leading to discharge may make more sense. But to answer your question, yes you can do that except as noted above.
  • Thank you for the replys.
    To clarify the question again. No, this is not a racial thing. It had to
    do with derogitory statements on the facility and work performance viewed by
    others as none acceptable among their peers.
    Being a "hire and fire at will state", I thought you could say this but as
    you stated, your best avenue is to document and keep records.

  • Even though you are in an hire and fire "at will" state, I would obtain some type of documentation on the matter. Maybe a written sequence of events that you and the supervisor agree upon, then file that in the personnel file. Having an employee around as you describe disrupting the work place is not appropriate. For the employees own safety and the safety of the work place it sounds like this employee needs to go! Please remember employees in hire and fire "at will" states file lawsuits too.... Good luck.
  • Thanks Jim. I viewed the question as 'can we do it?' not, 'is this wise to do?'
  • I remain a little confused by this question that is titled "Verbal reprimands" but then talks about discharge. I have concerns about either being done in a group setting as opposed to one on one.
  • Sonny: You're being analytical now. Have you been out in that Florida sun??
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 03-21-03 AT 07:48AM (CST)[/font][p]Every chance I get :) The azaleas are gorgeous and spring has sprung. All the fresh air and sunshine is what makes me analytical!
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