Employees volunteering

I work for a nonprofit agency. Is it acceptable for our employees to volunteer for our agency. For example, I have a housing receptionist who works part-time and would like to volunteer to work in a different department for 10 hours a week. Are our employees automatically unable to volunteer because of the obvious potential conflict regarding when they are on the clock and when they are volunteering? Does anyone have the answer?


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Not to all of your questions, but I would say tread carefully. .Certainly they can not volunteer for their same job. Am aware of a non profit where the bus drivers volunteered to take clients to the Special Olympics events on their off time. No go and they got hit hard by DOL. Anywhere I have worked it is also a no no to have people volunteer to do work for which others are paid. I would be more concerned about wage and hour than possible conflict as to when they are ee vs. volunteer. Am sure others can and will add more specific response.
  • You should check your state regulations. I don't think that you will have much luck allowing volunteering to occur in other jobs that are normally paid jobs. There is an exception for us in California which allows employees in agencies like the Red Cross to also volunteer in their disaster work.
  • We are also a non-profit and according to Oregon law, volunteers must meet four criteria:

    1) work must be for a public service, religious, or humanitarian purpose
    2) at volunteers own iniative
    3) without expectation of pay
    4) outside normal job duties and normal work hours

    I don't know what the conditions are in your state but the last one "normal work hours" might be a snag for you.

    Good luck.

  • Thanks for the information...it gave me more ammunition to set clearer policies in place within our organization.
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