Employee possible safety risk - what to do?
28 Posts
I have an employee who started in July 2002. During the first week of his employment, he became very incoherent and disoriented during his shift. When talking to him about it, he disclosed that he is diabetic and due to the new job and the physical requirements, his insulin was out of whack. He went to his doctor and they adjusted his insulin and he came back saying he was good to go. By hearsay, he's had a few of these episodes since then, but he "officially" had another episode two days ago. We brought him in and talked to him again and told him we are very concerned about his safety, etc. He gave us a possible reasoning as to why this may have happened and he was going to go to his doctor again yesterday. We are horribly concerned about his safety here, we do heavy manufacturing and work with rail cars, large machinery, and manlifts. One of these episodes could happen at anytime and he could be seriously hurt or killed, or even hurt someone else when these episodes come on. He says he usually can tell when he needs to adjust his insulin, but there are obviously times he can't. Any advice as to where we can go from here, or do we just pray for the best and hope for no more more episodes.
James Sokolowski
Senior Editor
M. Lee Smith Publishers
You could provide him with a role description, ask him to take this to his physician and have his docotor work with you on this matter.
Good luck
I would give the ee a job description with a factual description of the working environment to take to his doctor. If the doctor believes that the job is not hazardous to the ee's health, you can get a second opinion on your dime. Otherwise, stay alert and try not to treat the ee "as if" he is disabled. It could be as simple as a medication adjustment.