wish list---if you could ony

yes,if you could only find the power or the courage to make your wish list come true---what would you do?...reading scott bedbury,"A New Brand World" and he mentions that nordstrom,before it took off,had a one line employee handbook---"As an employee of nordstrom all we ask is that you use the best possible judgement at all times." That's it.I'd do it if I could. What's on your wish list?...Regards from Dallas,Texas,Mike Maslanka


  • 19 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • That all managers were always perfect in their dealings with employees, from hire to fire.

    i.e, no discriminatory remarks, giving the benefit of the doubt, training where necessary, encouragement when needed, etc.

    It's not too much to ask, is it?
  • I read your post yesterday and it left me thinking. My wish list (as it pertains to HR) would be 3 perfect questions to ask an applicant that would guarantee an exceptional empoloyee.
    Going one step further, with those questions in hand, the turnover rate, grievances, poor performance would not be a problem. Alas! There goes my job security. Maybe I better re-think that. x:o
  • Since we're wishing I wish that there was a door at work that acted like the transporter on the Enterprise. When an ee passed through they would be transported to their work environment and they would leave all their other issues behind and concentrated on the job. Little tired of the babysitting today...8-|
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 01-15-03 AT 04:40PM (CST)[/font][p]Along the same line as pecohr but a bit more morbid, we sometimes wish for one of those old fashioned suction tubes (only old timers will remember these as the way that office paperwork was sent from one place to another) that we could activate to whisk an offending manager (usually) or employee right over to the anatomy lab, where they would be promptly embalmed and, in due course, be available for student study.
  • Gillian-
    By your definition, I qualify as an old-timer..I sure remember those
    pneumatic tubes back in the early '70's, the paperwork used to get stuck
    in them quite often!

  • Mine is similar to Gillian's. I would like to appoint a "Good Manners Enforcer" who would roam the institution seeking people displaying rude behavior or discourteous treatment toward supervisors, subordinates, co-workers or clientele. This enforcer would be armed with one of those sci-fi evaporator guns and he or she would just zap the offending individual and they would disappear forever.
  • Hi guys,
    As my first official post to the forum, I figured I might as well go for broke and say my wish list. I would love to get a thank you card, flowers, even a verbal thanks from employees for all the daily crap I put up with in dealing with cranky, confrontational, non-listening, underperforming, and of course "always blameless" HR situations. (Of course I mean "crap" in a loving, I truly care for your needs, kind of way!) ;0)While I love helping people, sometimes it seems all they want to do is see HR as a gestapo or something.
    And while I am at it, a steak dinner with Harrison Ford would be nice too!
    Glad to be on board and I have really enjoyed this enlightening forum in the 6 months since I started perusing, and am now glued to it like an alchoholic with a free bar...Hope to be getting drunk with all you for a long time!
  • My wish list is:

    1. That managers would always share credit, take the blame, and absorb pressure.
    2. That employees would keep that "first day" enthusiasm.
    3. That communication would always be clear and presume goodwill.
    4. That I would either develope a slice or a hook but not this awful combination of slice/hook/hook/slice that makes it impossible to predict where the ball is going.
    5. That paid FMLA will not come to my state.
    6. That everyone everywhere would always give me the benefit of the doubt.

  • Would someone please EXPLAIN to me what it is that women see in Harrison Ford?? He's got a scar on his chin and plays the same character no matter WHAT role he's supposed to be playing!

  • Ok, Ok..Since it is your wish to know what women see in Harrisson Ford, I will tell you! Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Jack Ryan, etc...need I say more? Yes, he always plays a rugged normal guy, turned hero, but I LIKE that! Give me a sexy confident mature guy with a few charater scars, then these sissy pretty boys we have now anyday!! (And by the way, in case you are thinking it is because I am older that I like him, I am only 25) Anyway, hope that solved it a little for you...
  • Parabeagle, why are you so upset? Did your wife tell you that Harrison could park his shoes under her bed any time?? xB-) He is a Hunk ya know.
  • Ex-wife, actually. And it wasn't parking his shoes she was suggesting, it was something about... well, anyway...

    Leaving before I get into trouble, here.
  • Ok, time to wish, I wish the economy would become robust, ee's would take more pride in their work, healthcare would become more affordable, ee's would quit complaining about the increase in healthcare costs and live a healthier lifestyle, ee's petty issues would magically vanish, ee's major issues never occur, and an accident free year. Wow what a wish list!

    Oh yeah, I wish to win the Lottery ( I would have to play to win ) retire at an early age, run a 4'28" mile again, find the fountain of youth and free beer for life.
  • The fact that you were ever able to run a 4'28" mile should thrill you! I am happy with sub 7's!
    My wish list is to complete an Ironman Triathlon in under 12 hours, and qualify for the Boston Marathon.
    My $0.02 worth.
    DJ The Balloonman
  • Besides wishing Mike would post these questions over in the humor section, and having actually forgotten what the original question here was (it's the drugs), I wish somebody would tell me approximately how long it takes for one to mentally return to work with a foot cast, a jumble of pins sticking out of toes, excrutiating pain like a hundred tightly wrapped rubber bands, and a fistful of Demerol capsules. All the thoughtless people are kindly stopping in to say, "Hell, it's only a TOE!" Right. So my wish is that somebody will tell me when the pain will end and somebody else will send me a box of those drink coupons we talked about months ago. The next rewrite of The Bible will certainly reveal that 'On the eighth day God created Demerol'. Who took names while I was out of the room???
  • DonD on Demerol ..... what a picture!

  • Maybe we should all wish for Demerol. If I recall correctly, it still hurt but I didn't really care x;-)
  • Demarol makes me throw up -- I'm such a wimp when it comes to drugs.
  • Don D! You mean the French nurse didn't help?
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