Require Appropriate Transportation

We are creating an outside sales/business development position that will require the employee to travel quite frequently with substantial materials. My questions are:
What is the best way to handle the requirement that the employee have reliable transportation for that purpose? Is that a requirement we would include in the job description? Is there anything I need to be careful about when disussing that during interviews?
Also, how do most folks handle related expenses? We are considering a flat mileage reimbursement but are sure if that will be the best approach. We are not in a position at this point to invest in a company car but would consider that in the future if we need to, and once the position is more established.
Any guidance is so much appreciated!
What is the best way to handle the requirement that the employee have reliable transportation for that purpose? Is that a requirement we would include in the job description? Is there anything I need to be careful about when disussing that during interviews?
Also, how do most folks handle related expenses? We are considering a flat mileage reimbursement but are sure if that will be the best approach. We are not in a position at this point to invest in a company car but would consider that in the future if we need to, and once the position is more established.
Any guidance is so much appreciated!
If you offer a car allowance, I would tell the potential sales person that the organization provides this allowance to insure that any vehicle that is used to call on customers reflects well on the sales person as well as the organization.
Margaret Morford
If the employee is in an accident while driving for the employer, the employee is primarily liable, but the employer is secondarily liable. So if the employee is not sufficiently insured (which is part of the reason you are giving him or her a car allowance -- to purchase insurance), the employer can be on the hook for damages from the accident.
Good Luck!