Employee Responsibility for Individual Banks

I work for a Property Management Company. We have 13 hotels. A Manager on Duty at a hotel is responsible for maintaining a "House Bank" of about 1300. Out of this bank comes change for Restaurant and Bar etc. Also petty cash slips for needed supplies. Sometimes, a Manager forgets to put in a petty cash slip and shows up short. For example - lotto money is taken out for payment and no petty cash slip is put in. The manager later counts his or her bank and it is short. Then the last Manager who had the bank is responsible. I know it is against the law to make an employee pay for funds missing, but isn't there a form they can sign to make them responsible. Our company takes alot of losses on this and we know it is because of carelessness. What can we do? We have asked for them to count the bank at the change of shifts but that doesn't always happen. Then we have a problem. If they had to sign for something, they wouldn't be as careless.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I, too, work for a property development company but we have limited-service properties. Therefore, our banks are much smaller (no more than $300). In any event, we experience the shortage problem occasionally but have it clearly spelled out in our procedures manual that sloppy accounting is grounds for disciplinary action and have actually terminated a front desk clerk over the issue. Is there anything that would prevent you from implementing a tough stand such as that?
  • Thanks for responding. It probably wouldn't pass our Corporate Office as they to make mistakes. (Imagine That!) They would have to follow the policy and I don't see that happening. What I will probably do is the usual, 3 strikes and your out. Seems like the only fair way for everyone. Thanks for your help

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