Affirmative Action Plans/Software?

We were blessed this year to have had the DOL select us for an Affirmative Action Compliance Review. (I would not wish this on our best competitor). Several months later and a few St. Louis lawyers on roller skates, we have yet to hear the final word regarding our response to their review. My question is: does anyone have or know of a software package that you would recommend that will satisfy the DOL in referance to Affirmative Action? We are a mid size community bank and I can best sum up our HR system by saying it was the only program we had that the Y2K bug got. Therefore all the reports, charts, etc. that we had to pull together for the compliance review were done the old fashioned way... not by simply pushing a few buttons on the ol' keyboard
Thank you,


  • 4 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Since we became a gov't contractor this year we had to put an Affirmative Action Plan in place. We used Berkshire Associates, Inc. who had been referred to us by a sister company. Our (limited) experience with them has been very positive and we felt that the cost was practical. You can purchase the software or outsource it to them. We chose to outsource for the initial set-up and consider purchasing next year. Their phone #1-800-882-8904.

    Good Luck - it's a pandora's box!
  • Thank you for your response. I will contact Berkshire for information on their porduct. Good luck with your AA Plan.
  • We were also selected this year for our first audit and I'm still waiting to hear their response. About how long did it take for you to get their review comments in? Thanks!
  • It was about 6 to 8 weeks the first time. My asst. even went to their offices in St. Louis to attend a "work shop" on just what it is that they want. They basically gave us fits because our responses were not in the proper format. But, they would not tell us what format they wanted before hand. While at their office one of thier people even appologized to my assistant because they were so vague with the people attending the class. Bottom line...."they are from the government and they are here to help us." And they have the authority to cause us grief. We finally gave this task of meeting with them to a law firm we use in St. Louis. And to quote our lawyer, if you have more than one DOL in the room at the same time, the DOL cannot decide what they want. Once they were finally satisfied with our calendar year 2001 they came back and stated they now need the same informatio for November 1, 2001 through Ocotber 31, 2002. I truely hope that your experience with them goes much smoother than ours. Best of luck and Happy Holidays.
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