Comp Time Information

I am looking for information from companies who have Comp Time Programs. I would like to know some basic facts about the program and how they work. I realize some of the drawbacks to these programs, but if you can let me know how the program is working for your company, that would be great as well.

Also, if anyone is aware of any surveys or research done specifically on Comp Time Programs and where I can find them, I would really appreciate it.

To give you some background, I work for a consulting firm that pays its exempt salaried employees a bonus for any time worked in a two-week payperiod over 80 (i.e. if an eligible employee works 83 hours in a payperiod then they receive 3 hours of Comp Time). This time may be either used for time off, or accumulated and can be paid out quarterly, as a bonus. We have no caps on the amount of comp time that can be accumulated.

Thanks for any feedback anyone can give.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The danger inherent in your scenario is jumping right out at everyone on this board.

    Exempt employees should not be tracking their time worked for purposes of computing "overtime" or "comp time". Doing so implies they are non-exempt and destroys the exemption should DOL/Wage and Hour folks come walking in your door.

    Do a search on the forum for other topics relating to "comp time" (especially in the wage and hour section) and you will see this discussed many times.

    Bonuses are fine - extra time off is fine. But don't tie it to any sort of "hour for hour" comp time program.

  • Believe me, I understand the dangers inherent all too well, which is why I am looking for information on the subject. I have said to management for the two years that I've had the job that our Comp Time Policy could be a liability. However, I have been told that other companies have Comp Time and that there must be a way to make it work within the law.

  • Comp time is legal in certain public municipalities. Not in any private sector I have ever seen, has it been declared a legal practice. Lots of companies do things that aren't legal.

    There has been legislation introduced in the past to give employers/employees a "choice" in this matter, but I haven't heard anything about it in recent months. It probably died in committee. I understand it would be very cumbersome and probably more expensive to administer. Comp time would be the same as over time - time and a half (in time). Also employee could "bank" it up and cash it out at the end of the year if they wished to. This could get quite expensive for companies,so I am sure it wasn't something that companies would push for. They would be better off in "pay as you go" in overtime.
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