Ordering Annual MVRs

The Fair Credit Reporting Act tells us that an employee must be given a separate document notice that reports may be obtained during the course of their employment. The signature page of our Driver's Application includes the following statement:

I understand that the FCRA, Public Law 91-508, requires that I be advised that routine inquiry may be made during the Company's intitial or subsequent processing which will provide applicable information concerning character and general reputation. I also understand that upon written request, additional information as to the nature and scope of the inquiry, if one is made, will be provided to me.

If this is signed on the initial employment date and our company provides the employee with a form containing the same information for their records, will we be compliant with the act? We would not notify them anytime thereafter that reports will be obtained. We do and will review the MVR with the employee annually.


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • You must provide your employee with A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. We also have them sign A "Fair Credit Reporting Act Disclosure and Authorization and an a Release of Motor Vehicle Records. All of this just to get the MVR. (This is due to the fact an outside source, our insurance agent, retrieves this information)
  • Our agency requests MVR's annually directly from the MVD. Our ee's know this print-out is required every year. We do not have them sign anything every time we submit a MVR request to the DMV. They have given permission and signed a FCRA form upon hire. Are we not doing enough?
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