
The following is being questioned:

Internal job postings went up on our boards with a close date ten days later. These positions were offered to qualified applicants as received but prior to the 10 days expiring. Is there any restriction to this both for internal and external applicants.


  • 3 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • It would really depend upon your policy, but if the posting was for 10 days, I would wait until after the 10 days posting time to make the offer. That seems like a long time to internally post. We only post for three days internally. Our policy also states that internal applicants may be in competition with outside applicants as well. That leaves me free to advertise in the newspapers if necessary before the internal posting is up.

  • So long as the process doesn't discriminate in some way you can do whatever you like. If your question is about internal postings and the acceptance of outside applications at the same time, the response is the same. Some organizations only accept outside applications after the posting period is up and internal candidates are evaluated. Others accept internal and external at the same time. There are pro's and con't to each approach, but you do what is best for your organization.
  • If I understand the original question, I think the issue was actually offering the position to an outside applicant while the internal posting was still in process. I would not advise this, not for legal reasons, but just for the sake of keeping current employees confident in the posting/hiring process. I also agree that a 10-day internal posting is too long. I would however proceed with soliciting outside applications during the posting period.
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