Anonymous Note
Jo Ann
8 Posts
We had someone leave the notation "F... U.." on a piece of paper which was on one of our employees' desk. We also had a few other incidents the same night like crumbled pop tarts and someone maybe pouring coffee into the coffee maker.
The employee is saying it's harassment against her. We are going to hold a meeting with that department to see if anyone knows anything and to let them know we won't tolerate this behavior from anyone. I've also talked to the cleaning company owner and he's checking his people. I'm not sure what else we can do other than to investigate and document our actions.
Any ideas would be helpful.
The employee is saying it's harassment against her. We are going to hold a meeting with that department to see if anyone knows anything and to let them know we won't tolerate this behavior from anyone. I've also talked to the cleaning company owner and he's checking his people. I'm not sure what else we can do other than to investigate and document our actions.
Any ideas would be helpful.
I have had a few anonymous notes in the past. I have a special round file for them. However, none were as angry or as threatening as what you have described. I think I would at least have a very short list of who the note writer might be.
If you had an idea of who it might be, I would schedule a meeting to discuss the problem between the two employees. I wouldn't accuse anyone because you have no proof (unless the other employee admits writing the note). I would just reaffirm your expectations on how interpersonal issues are resolved. Have a copy of your harassment policy. Make it clear that certain behaviors will not be tolerated.
Howevr, my first impression was that it was directed to the supervisor since we've made changes in how we do our billing and this employee and others are not very happy with management.
It could be that she knows and won't say. I'll have my meeting with them and hopefully this will not happen again.
Thanks for your help.
I was thrown for a minute until I realized she wanted me to follow-up on the attached e-mail.
>stating, “please f-u.”
>I was thrown for a minute until I realized she wanted me to follow-up
>on the attached e-mail.
I just have to share this...Remember the T.V. show "The Odd Couple" with Tony Randall and (Jack Klugman,I think)? Felix and Oscar were in the middle of one of their many arguments when Oscar said, "It took me a half hour to figure out that f u meant Felix Unger." I loved that show!
Margaret Morford
We had an incident where we had a giant black rat (plastic) that kept appearing in different areas of our building. The way I found out it was happening was someone put it in the switchboard operator's desk drawer and she opened it. Well, you can imagine the commotion! Anyway, I sent out a memo to employees about this and also advised the cleaning people if they were doing this, it had better stop. Don't know who was at fault, but it stopped.
Oh, the games people play....
Bill Clinton? Now, that's scary!
How were you able to tell it was a fish on the phone?
My thought was glad to see her peer group letting her know that they believe she should be at work more. If she is missing that much that place must have one awesome attendance policy! Maybe I should look into it!
My $0.02 worth.
DJ The Balloonman
Don, you posted the equivilant of $40.00 from my point of I am impressed.