When to pay consideration on Separation and Release Agreement

I am drafting a Separation and Release Agreement with a severance pay clause and am wondering if/when/how to pay the severance pay when the employee has to be given time to consider the agreement, then has a week to revoke. Should it be taken out, or what? Should a separate document be included with this information as well as informing them that they have a right to consult an attorney? Help.
Be very careful about using a severance agreement as a form without having it reveiwed by your local attorney. That other company's severance agreement might be perfect, but it might not work in your state or, as I have seen my clients do many times, they use an old severance agreement as a form for a different employee with different facts, and it really doesn't apply.
So I would suggest that you run it by your legal department before adopting it as the "FORM".
Good Luck!