New Background Check Policy and Current Employees

We are getting ready to institute a policy of conducting state criminal background checks on all newhires.

1. Can we check current employees?

2. Does anyone have a background check policy they are willing to share?



  • 5 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Paige, we do criminal background checks on new hires. We have an authorization form in the application packet informing them of the fact that a background check will be performed. Applicants are required to sign the authorization. I can provide you with a copy of this form if you are interested.

    The Consumer Credit Reform Act of 1996 requires the company notify the applicant in writing that a background check will be performed and provide a summary of their consumer rights prior to any adverse action being taken. If you deny employment based on the "credit" report, inform the applicant that employment was denied because of the report investigation, even if the report was only part of the reason. This notification may be done orally, in writing, or via e-mail. You must also provide the applicant with the name, address and telephone number of the consumer reporting agency that made the report.

    Hope this helps.
  • would appreciate receiving a copy of your company's background check authorization form. please forward if possible. thanx.
  • I would approach this with a few questions:
    1. Why are you starting a program? IS it job related? Are you a social service agency where it is now required?
    2. What happens with the info? Who will get to see the info?
    3. How are the background checks going to be conducted?

    I've worked with agencies that are required by law to conduct criminal background, but not in a company that impliments a program. I can fax a copy of the autorization form to you.

    Finally, what would be your purpose in doing background checks on present employees ... and what will be the results if you find something?
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 08-20-02 AT 10:13AM (CST)[/font][p]We are also getting ready to start a Criminal Background Check policy at our non-profit company. As a non-profit, we were able to attend a training session at our local United Way office -- which provided us with all the details, regulations, sample forms, etc. As far as whether or not you check current employees, that is a decision that your company needs to make. You also need to determine which types of criminals you will employ vs. those that you will not (i.e., felony). I recommend putting together a process and forms and procedures, then running it by your legal department. Feel free to email me [email][/email] if you would like to see some sample forms. Good luck.
  • As a non-profit dealing with clients in the disability field, we are required to conduct a background check. We have an authorization form which must be signed at the time of the interview. I think you would be able to do a background check on all current employees; however, what would you do if adverse information turned up? Approximately 40% of our applicants have information which prohibits us from hiring.
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