Very different separation notice ?

I hesitated to put this on the forum, but I really need an answer to this question.

Our company (located in Georgia) has had several team members pass away in the past year and a half or so, one within the past two weeks. X:-/ My question is, am I required by law to give separation notices to the families of the team members that have passed away? I'd just as soon not considering the circumstances, but I guess I need to find out what I need to do legally.

I appreciate your input on this delicate situation. x:-)


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • I hope Georgia doesn't require something as cold as a separation notice to the family of a deceased employee. However, if they were participants in a group health plan, you (or your TPA) do have obligations to provide them with the COBRA notice. And there may be several other things to do for the family regarding things like the ee's vacation pay or 401(k), if applicable.
  • State of GA labor dept regs provide that an employer must give out separation notices. However, there's no penalty for not doing so; therefore a lot of employers just don't give out or send separation notices. However, you may be required to provide some COBRA notice to the deceased employee's dependants.
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