How far does an employer have to go to meet quota for EEO?

We currently post all of our open positions as open to all for consideration. However, we only have 2 minorities on our 70+ employee payroll. How far are we required to go by law to enlist minorities in positions with our company?


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • There is no law that requires a company to employ any certain number of people of any particular sex, race, religion, national origin or handicap.
  • UNLESS you are a government contractor. If you are a government contractor and/or have to honor an affirmative action plan, you must make strides toward diversity. If you are not a government contractor, or do not have an affirmative action plan, it still makes good business sense to have a diverse workforce, and you should still take steps to include all types of people in your applicant pool.
  • [font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON 07-15-02 AT 04:54PM (CST)[/font][p]Affirmative action program applies to you if you have a contract or subcontract for $50,000 or more and with 50 or more employees.

    The VETS-100 reporting requirement, along with the Federal Contractor Job Listing Program, applies to both contractor and subcontractors holding contracts of $25,000 or more with the federal government.

    Hope this helps.
  • There are diversity jobfairs and websites that you can go to in an effort to recruit for a diverse working environment. One place to go is [url][/url].

    Hope this helps.
  • If you only post your jobs internally and have a predominately caucasian work force, then you will be receiving predominately caucasian referrals/applicants. There are many community organizations that assist minorities in finding jobs who would love to accept your job postings. Also try your local state unemployment department.
  • Missy: I thought your question was simply how far must you go in staffing your company to satisfy the quotas imposed or suggested by others. In that case, my answer's the same. Of course if you fell under executive order 11247 or an affirmative action program for other reasons or a conciliation agreement with the EEOC, you would already know what those require. But, none REQUIRES a hiring quota. All do have suggestions and targets and standards imposed, but there is no drop-dead point that you must strive for and maintain in the way of numbers or quotas. If you're looking for ways to diversify your workforce or utilize a broader range of the labor supply available to you, the suggestions others have listed are very good ones.
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