I am putting together a training schedule for my supervisors here and was wondering what topics are by law mandatory for supervisors to be trained in and how often.
Safety training is the only one I can think of (Blood-Born Pathogens, etc.) and it must be for all effected employees, not just managers. Your WC carrier ought to be able to help you with that.
However, you really need to hold some sort of annual legal training to keep your managers from creating liability for your organization without meaning to. The purpose of this training should not be to make lawyers out of your managers, but to make sure they understand enough of the laws to come to HR when they have an issue developing. I recommend that you have someone from the outside do this training and they should be able to cover all the major stuff in about three and a half or four hours. The additional benefit to having an outsider is that if they do this right, the respect for HR should increase significantly and the trainer should be able to help your managers see HR as a partner, who's watching their backs, not as the pain they usually see HR being. And why yes, my company offers a course like this called "Starving the Lawyers - Workplace Legal Issues." End of commercial message, I promise!
Also I recommend that you review your harassment and discrimination policy with employees every year to prove that you constantly made them aware of how to report this conduct. Be sure you have a sign-up sheet to prove that they got this training. This training does not have to be long. It should just cover what constitues harassment and discrimination, how the company absolutely prohibits it and how to report it. Don't over educate the employees and teach them how to sue you. I recommend to my clients that they pick a specific month each year and have the managers do this training. You will then be able to produce employees that will testify that the policy is gone over every year and employees are always encouraged to report any harassment and/or discrimination. If you do it the same time every year, it also doesn't raise any employees' antennae that there's something going on. I give the managers "talking points" (one-page script) to use to do the session. This way the managers are comfortable with what they are going to say, they appear to be open to having anything reported to them, everyone gets the same message.....and you can produce the script as a exhibit to prove what was said in the meeting! I'll be glad to e-mail you a copy of the standard script if you want it. Call me if I can help in any way. Good luck!
However, you really need to hold some sort of annual legal training to keep your managers from creating liability for your organization without meaning to. The purpose of this training should not be to make lawyers out of your managers, but to make sure they understand enough of the laws to come to HR when they have an issue developing. I recommend that you have someone from the outside do this training and they should be able to cover all the major stuff in about three and a half or four hours. The additional benefit to having an outsider is that if they do this right, the respect for HR should increase significantly and the trainer should be able to help your managers see HR as a partner, who's watching their backs, not as the pain they usually see HR being. And why yes, my company offers a course like this called "Starving the Lawyers - Workplace Legal Issues." End of commercial message, I promise!
Also I recommend that you review your harassment and discrimination policy with employees every year to prove that you constantly made them aware of how to report this conduct. Be sure you have a sign-up sheet to prove that they got this training. This training does not have to be long. It should just cover what constitues harassment and discrimination, how the company absolutely prohibits it and how to report it. Don't over educate the employees and teach them how to sue you. I recommend to my clients that they pick a specific month each year and have the managers do this training. You will then be able to produce employees that will testify that the policy is gone over every year and employees are always encouraged to report any harassment and/or discrimination. If you do it the same time every year, it also doesn't raise any employees' antennae that there's something going on. I give the managers "talking points" (one-page script) to use to do the session. This way the managers are comfortable with what they are going to say, they appear to be open to having anything reported to them, everyone gets the same message.....and you can produce the script as a exhibit to prove what was said in the meeting! I'll be glad to e-mail you a copy of the standard script if you want it. Call me if I can help in any way. Good luck!
Margaret Morford
I'd love a copy of your standard script if you get a chance to send it to me. My fax is 319-398-0662.
I'd like a copy also. [email]lostrander@fmcasino.com[/email]
CAN I ALSO HAVEA COPY? My email:aballao@provak.org