What constitutes paid work

We have a situation at our restaurant company where we require new employees to take study material home to review. We also ask them to use the quiz as a review and tool for assessing their knowledge. Is this legal and do we have to pay them for the time they took to do this?


  • 2 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Generally, if you are requiring them to do it for your benefit, it must be paid. One thing you could do is to fairly estimate the time they should spend doing it, then pay them for that time (rather than having them report actual time -- which could be inflated). They should be told in advance how much time it should take and what they will be paid. Also, you don't necessarily have to pay them the same wage rate for this study work as for other work. You could pay it at minimum wage. But this should be agreed to in advance. (Of course if their normal rate is less than minimum with tips bringing to minimum, this might cost you more).

    Good Luck!
  • Just wanted to say "thanks for your assistance with this" Sharon B
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