Pictures of Staff

We would like to develop an "Online Picture Gallery" of all of our employees. Only our office staff would be able to view the pictures (unless someone of course copies them). If we go forward with this idea and some of the employees refuse to have their pictures do we have any recourse? Have any of you done this and how has it worked out? It is not a condition of employment. We thought it would help unite our scattered offices.


  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We have a picture ID badge. Each employee needs a badge to get into and out of the building. Because quite a few of the pictures were very dated and the badges quite worn, we did a campaign to give everyone a new badge with a new picture. These pictures are in our security system computer as well as our employee data base.

    A file "Employee Information List" is available to our VP's and Unit Managers to view online. The file contains employee's name, address, home telephone number, job title, date of hire and picture. This has helped in emergency situations as well as employee recognition when the VP's are touring the plant.
  • I can only speak from my past experience. The last company I worked for tried introducing each new employee to the rest of the staff with a picture and a short bio that was displayed in the major hallways. It was a very nice display and a lot of people liked the practice. HOWEVER, problems started when some folks didn't want to get their picture taken and claimed that the pictures looked like "mug shots" and the display like a "line-up." Everyone will have opinions. If you move forward with your idea, just be aware that not everyone will like it. And not everyone will want to cooperate. I would not try to force folks to get their picture taken because some people are very sensitive about their appearance and could really get upset if you try to force the issue.
  • why do you want to have the pictures?if for security,great;a tool of client development,ok;just to have it,no.As one who HATES to have his picture taken,I can emphasize with those who do not.Regards from Texas,mike maslanka,214-659-4668
  • I agree with heights. It would be nice if all your folks cooperate, but there's a better than even chance that some will not and there isn't very much that you will be able to do about it. Good luck.
  • We have a gallery of pictures of all our employees on our Intranet. We took the pictures of existing employees and now take the picture either the 1st or 2nd day of employment and have their name, branch and job title listed with their picture. Sure, some employees didn't want their picture taken and we didn't press the issue. We have about 20 branches throughout the state and there are some employees we will never meet in person. It is a great way to make your work relationship with a co-worker who is over 100 miles away a bit more personal. You can bet though that the employee who doesn't want their picture taken has been looking at everyone else's picture. Since we take the picture with a digital camera, we let the employee look at the picture and will retake it until they feel it is acceptable. We've even expanded and taken pictures of each of our office buildings inside and out. Good luck!
  • We have recently done it and we did not make friends with employees. We ended up having to make it a condition of employment with some that refused it. The key is to keep the photos controlled so they are not accessible to a lot of people. Some of our employees were concerned about people doctoring their photo and abusing it.
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