Labor Law Posters

Does anyone know where I can find electronic versions of state Labor Law posters. I have found the US DOL site with posters already. What about IL, MI, PR, or FL?

I would like to post these on our company intranet site. However, I have heard that an electronic posting may not be on compliance and that a hard copy located in a high traffic area (read: not intranet traffic, but actual people traffic) is the only way.

Any feedback?



  • 1 Comment sorted by Votes Date Added
  • Floyd-
    I found a website that allows you to print posters from Adobe Acrobat Reader. It has listings for each state and shows all of the posters required. The website is [url][/url]

    I think that you heard right - electronic copies are no substitutes for the hard copies. But if you want to suppliment the hard copies with these electronic ones, this may help. Good luck.

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