Job Application for Truck Drivers

Having just started with this company, I am reviewing all current forms to make sure we are legal. I noticed on our application for truck drivers, it asks for their birthdate and if any driver's license issued to them has ever been suspended or revoked. Are these legal questions for an application? I have never hired truck drivers before, but I did not think we could ever ask the birthdate of an applicant. Does anyone know if it is different for truck drivers. We hire for Missouri, Illinois and Arkansas.


  • 7 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • The birth date gives me some heartburn but the other questions seem legitimate.
  • I am HR manager at a company which has a subsidiary that is strictly trucking. We get our forms from JJ Keller, for truck driver applications. To the best of my knowledge a date of birth is required for commercial drivers as stated under paragraph b of section 391.21 of the FMCSR(Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations). Hope this helps!
  • You also will fall under the federal DOT regulations. Annual drug screen, testing CDL license. You will want to make sure you're in compliance with all those regs.

    Margaret Morford
  • It does seem very odd that you have to ask questions about date of birth and about their driving record. You are required by DOT to do so.

    Go to [url][/url] and click on section 391. for Qualification of Drivers. 391.21 tells you exactly what should be on the application. This application is kept in their DOT file (or Qualification File) along with the other required documents under Section 391.

    What I have done for our company is I have a Driver Application and a Non-Driver Application.
    I've even seen it done for larger companies a DOT compliant insert, with all the DOT related questions, that can be later added to a standard application.
  • Thanks to all of you for the valuable information. This will help me tremendously.
  • Drivers job applications are allowed to ask alot of questions and require more information than applications for non truck drivers, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations and your states Department of Motor Vehicles have web site access to the required information of the law and I believe links to forms etc. Another option I used in addition to this website is JJ Keller who is a vendor that specializes in DOT regulations. Visit their website at [url][/url] I received alot of good information from them.

  • I am HR for a small Corporation, and I know for a "fact" DOT requires a DOT Employment Application and an Annual Drivers record. We found out the hard way by going through a Federal DOT Audit, which was very scary, but extremely helpful in many ways. If you go to the website that you were pointed to in an earlier reply (FMCSA), you will find an Educational Tech Assist Packet. That is where all of your Driver Qualification file forms are for you to download, that way you will not have to pay someone for them, and you will also find other helpful forms. Hope this helps for future reference. Good Luck!
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