Removing written reprimands from personnel file

I have just joined an organization that has a policy that the employee may request removal of written reprimands after one year provided no further disciplinary actions have occurred during the period and the removal must be granted by the supervisor. Somehow this just doesn't seem right, as the personnel file is the record of employment for the employee. Anybody have any justification, either way, to assist me? Thanks
Clearly, it is to the advantage of the employee to keep his or her nose clean. And even then the employee is not off the hook if the reference is in the evaluation. This puts some pressure on the employee to clean up the act immediately so that the supervisor may seriously consider not referencing the reprimand in the evaluation, as a form of reinforced encouragement. By the way, the reprimand is our second level of written discipline: there is a "lower level" written warning which may be removed after one year from office files.