Overtime Stipend for Exempt Employees
183 Posts
We have a stipend for Exempt Supervisors in our manufacturing plant. It states, "Because certain salaried employees at times must work many hours to keep up with business, we will compensate plant plant Supervisors for hours over 40 in a workweek." They are paid what their salary breaks down to for an hour, for every hour over 40. Does anyone know of potential problems with paying salaried employees an overtime stipend? Does anyone else have a way to compensate supervisors who typically work 50 hours a week to keep up with production demands?
A previous employer of mine would pay a flat bonus rate for any hours over 48 in a week - i.e. if they worked 46 hours they didn't get any additional compensation, but if they worked 50 they got a flat-rate bonus.
Margaret Morford