Employee Solicitation for Money and/or Social Events

Let me know how you all handle these things:

Do you allow employees to use facilities to host baby showers, wedding showers, etc. (Even if after hours?)

If we have a death in our employee family,the organization typically sends flowers, food, etc. to the family. Do any of you have guidelines about employees sending "envelopes" around requesting funds for the family? I have a real problem with this as some people feel burdened by this and also feel they are being "looked down on" if they (1) don't want to contribute or (2) can't afford to.

Supervisors also feel pressured to give birthday gifts, etc. to their employees and feel if they do it for one, then they have to do it for all of their employees.

I just feel these type of social get togethers should be off site so they can be truly voluntary.

I'd like to get your ideas on how you handle these things. Management gets looked down on as the "big bad guy" when we tell employees these type things are not proper.



  • 6 Comments sorted by Votes Date Added
  • We don't have guidelines governing these situations. Good sense and diligence is the rule of thumb. We allow baby/bridal showers but only during lunch hours. Although we haven't gotten reports of employees feeling obligated to contribute money, there's always the possibility that some do. I know I don't. There have been rare situations in which moneys have been reported stolen. When such happens we don't really go out of our way to discover the culprit(s) since it's understood that employees pass the envelopes around at their own risk. That is different from, let's say, an employee who their purse or wallet stolen. He/she has a reasonable expectation of security at work so we actively investigate the matter. However, when a thief is identified, he/she faces strong disciplinary action. No one likes a thief, regardless of the circumstances.
  • I work for a non-profit and our agency decided a long time ago that the best way to handle this was to establish what we call a "Flower, Party, and Gift Fund". Those that want to contribute sign a form allowing us to deduct $2.00 per paycheck to be used to purchase the flowers or gifts that go along with employee illnesses and hospitalizations, death in family, marriages, and babies, including a certain amount to be used for refreshments for wedding/baby showers. So there is no more "passing the hat" when these occasions happen. The fund only covers those employees who participate (which most do), and a hat is passed for those who do not. This fund also pays for half the costs of our agency summer picnic, and half the costs of our staff training day. It has worked well for us and no one is singled out for not contributing or only contributing a small amount.
  • I really like your idea! Do you have guidelines for deciding how the money is spent?
  • We sure do. Give me your e-mail address and I'll forward them to you.
  • Please EMAIL to me also Darlene. [email]HR@scheart.com[/email]. Thanks!
  • I would greatly appreciate a copy also please. My e-mail is [email]acasey@joa.com[/email]

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