Benefits for part-time employees
8 Posts
In the past we have not offered benefits to our part-time employees. However, we have one employee who works an average of 32 hours a week and has approached us about vacation and health benefits. My question is, is it possible to negotiate a benefits package for this employee without offering it to other part-time employees?
Hope this helps.
The reason I asked my original question is because it states in our personnel manual that 40 hours is considered full-time and 30 hours or less or 1000 hours is considered part-time, however it does not address those employees who fall somewhere in the middle. I need to correct this immediately and I'm not sure whether to classify 32 hours or more full-time so they qualify for benefits or do what you suggested and say any part-time employee working an average of 31 and 39 hours per week would qualify for benefits. Some of our Supervisors are not very good at monitoring how many hours there employees work so unfortunately many of them "milk the clock". Thanks again for your input.